Your coach Pilates
Eva Gonzalez
About me and my career
Exercise has always been part of my life from a young age. Growing up in Sweden. I was ice skating in the winter and swimming in the lakes in the summer. Starting school meant trying out a lot of different sports as well as enjoying a lot of dance classes in my spare time.
My other passion was food and I trained to become a chef. This gave me the opportunity to travel which I did a lot of in my young adult life. However, working in a kitchen is a hard and tiring job and I came back to Sweden with a body which was in pain.
I wanted to look after my body better. I could feel how my body become stronger in a safe way. I wanted to learn more and I went to Stockholm’s well renowned massage institute Axelssons and become a qualified sport massage therapist. The Swedish technique and the knowledge about the body changed the way I trained myself.
I was offered a job on a private yacht and I went off travelling again, this time as a beautician and a massage therapist.
I met the love of my life when travelling and we settled down in beautiful Geneva where I have been living ever since. I went to London to complete a degree in Personal Training with NASM in London and then added Pilates teacher training to my experience. I am now married with two children and I’m running my own business.

Having trained all sorts of clients over the years I have become convinced Pilates is the training form everybody can benefit from no matter what goals or starting points a person might have.
I get inspired meeting people who are reluctant to Pilates as a training form and then seeing them being transformed, both mentally and physically using the tecnique. With being able to customise and vary Pilates lessons, there is a constant evolvement of the training and I know this is what makes clients coming back. I see Pilatess as the basic of every type of exercise whether it’s walking, horse riding, crossfit, skiing or swimming or any other sport.

My philosophy